Son, you will bless with a child within one year. This word becomes real when Diksha delivered baby girl today. Suddenly Bhairon Singh incident recreated in front of Ajay's eyes. One beautiful day, Ajay and Diksha visited family worshipped deity mandir. On the return journey to home one strange older person join their railway compartment. His age is around 80 with the white beard. The visitor spoke very fluently and confidently. To kill time, Ajay had a little chat with him. And both of impressed with each other views. Ajay shared food delicacies with him as a friendly gesture. And instantly they hit the close bond. Their conversation goes from politics to social life, railway condition, rain, friends and finally about family. Newcomer said his mother is bedridden and not in good shape. Ajay showed sympathy for his mother. Stranger talked with himself in a sad mood. He is looking for a new home for his mother. Ajay did not reply anything to stranger words. Stranger explains how his mother feeds him in childhood. A stranger shared his childhood memories. Ajay listened very carefully. They enjoyed each other company for a few hours.
At Mumbai railway station, they shared auto-rickshaw on their way back to home. Ajay earned respect and affection from a fellow passenger.
"Ajay asked, Sir what is your name?" "Stranger replied Bhairon Singh"
Ajay treated this day as usual and but his mind kept note of meeting with Bhairon Singh. Next day, Ajay went to the office and soon forget about this incident in his daily routine work. But sometimes in the local train journey, Ajay believed that he had apparently seen railway stranger in bogey or on Street. Ajay thought that he followed by the unknown person. But Ajay never came across any individual face to face.
Two days after baby girl delivery, Ajay realized that new child born at exactly within one year. Bhairon Singh word becomes truth. So Ajay wanted to meet Bhairon Singh and present him sweet box as a courtesy.
Ajay knew an area where he dropped Bhairon Singh on last shared auto-rickshaw one year ago. Ajay visited that spot. Ajay made an enquiry about Bhairon Singh and found out his address. Ajay carries sweet box as an etiquette gesture and rings Bhairon Singh doorbell. Ajay finds that lots of people gathered for prayer. Ajay realized that he visited stranger home at an inappropriate time. Ajay talked to Bhairon Singh to get to know what happened in his home. Bhairon Singh informed Ajay that two days ago he lost his mother. He looked very calm and satiated. But he is contented as his sick mother finally win the battle against ill health and finally got a good home. Ajay did not understand Bhairon Singh last statement.
You know I narrated our incident to my mother. She likes it very much. She impressed by your nature and character as I described you as my friend. She knew each and everything about you. She even knows your deity and both of you worship the same God.
“Why and how she knew my character and other detail?”
“Did you following and spying on me?”
“Yes, I watched you.”
Ajay shocked and asked, “What is the reason behind it?”
Look, Ajay, You and Diksha both of you are the perfect couple. Both of you care for each other. Love is dissolved in your life like sugar. Your overall character is superb and impressive. Ajay, I like to thank you for coming to my home. Ajay offered a prayer for an old lady.
"Ajay ask Bhairon Singh at what time your mother died."
“Bhairon Singh replied 4.00 PM two days ago.”
Ajay lost in deep contemplation after hearing time which accurately matched with his new childbirth time. Ajay unable to understand this coincidence. But he saw from the corner of eyes that Bhairon Singh is smiling mirthfully.